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- Address Labels by Design 3699 items
- Art & Graphic 242 items
- Animals & Wildlife 784 items
- By Artist 698 items
- Christmas Address Labels 872 items
- Faith, Inspiration & Love 158 items
- Friends & Family 198 items
- Floral & Gardening 772 items
- Holidays 342 items
- Occasions 200 items
- Monogram, Initials & Symbols 104 items
- Nature & Scenic 477 items
- Professions 102 items
- Special Interest 417 items
- Address Labels by Type 3845 items
- Photo Address Labels 36 items
- Address Stamps 38 items
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Colorful Images is a business solution.
You'll find address labels to suit your business or job, and we'll personalize them with the information you specify - name and address, company motto, or special message. We also offer a large assortment of business cards, file folders, package labels, desk accessories, mouse pads, and organizers - everything useful and fun for your working day.